Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"Immigration as it affects me"

What are the weaknesses and the strengths in regards the Dream Act?


kid oakland said...

Hey Jose

I like the changes you made with your blog...especially the videos you've added down on the left side...I have a good feeling about what you are doing here!

I think the main challenge with the DREAM act is simply getting the word getting voices like yours heard. This program makes so much sense, and is such a wise and powerful investment in the future of the American family, I think our challenge is simply to bring the level of awareness up.

Like the DREAM ACT video you've linked to shows...that means alot of us sitting around in circles at meetings and dicussing how to do outreach.

Of course, most meetings I've been to don't have cool music. But we can work on that!


Professor Rex said...

I don't really know enough about the Act to say. Maybe you could provide some links to analysis of it, or take a stab at analyzing it yourself...

Pedro said...

Just last night a friend asked my what I thought should be done about immigration at this point. I talked about the Dream Act--what little I know and understand of it. I have several friends in this category of having grown up here, now having problems with their status. I hope to check back in with your blog and see what you have in mind.

Jenifer Fernandez Ancona said...

Hi Jose! So glad to see you blogging here. Keep it up!

It was also great to meet you at YearlyKos, and I look forward to continued work together on the DREAM Act in California.

All the best,

Jenifer Fernandez Ancona

kyledeb said...

Hey Jose,

I came across your blog through There's this really great letter on the ImmigrationProf Blog regarding the DREAM Act. In it the author, Fernando Suarez de Solar, says:

"Simply put, the DREAM Act proposes two years of college as a pathway to permanent residency but it also includes a second option linked to the so-called war on terror-"two years of military service." Our young people may not see that this is a covert draft in which thousands of youth from Latino families will be sent to Iraq or some other war torn nation where they will have to surrender their moral values and become a war criminal or perhaps return home in black bags on their way to a tomb drenched with their parents' tears.

How many of our youth can afford college? How many will be able to take the educational option? Unfortunately very few because the existing system locks out the children of working families with high tuition and inflated admissions criteria. Most will be forced to take the military option to get their green card. But what good is a green card to a dead person? What good is a green card to a young person severely wounded in mind and body? "

Definitely an interesting point to bring up.

Dream Act said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Jose!

I was just directed to your blog from the Unapologetic Mexican. I have also been personally affected by the immigration system, and luckily, I have made it out.

My husband is a Mexican immigrant, and he recently received his green card after a 2.5 year immigration saga that was altogether uncertain.

I am in contact with a lawyer who is working on a documentary about students who would qualify under the proposed DREAM Act. If you would like to get in touch with her, please leave me a message at

It might be a good connection. I wish you well on your journey.

Laura Fern.

Matt Ortega said...


Keep up the good fight.

John Wesley Leek said...

Keep it up Jose!

- an unapologetic Mississippian. :)

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WOw that's a great blog. I'm glade that information is being put out nice work. ; )

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